Biotope types
Coral reefs are islands of life in the sea, which are home to a tremendous amount of diverse life forms. But these reefs consist of several completely different zones, and only few of the reef inhabitants are at home in all these zones.
Almost everyone has specialized in living in a particular habitat, a specific type of biotope. Lighting, currents and many other things are so different between the individual habitats that a characteristic animal community is formed in each case – from bacteria, sponges, crabs, mussels, snails or echinoderms to Acropora corals, or the shark that circles above the reef. Hardly any of the animal species are interchangeable between the habitats, as the reefs are populated by specialists.
The communities of the reefs also show dramatic differences between the individual geographical regions of the world. Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Western Pacific, Caribbean – no reef community is like the other.
Each of these habitats represents a different challenge for its inhabitants – mixed reefs near Indonesia with an overwhelming variety of different life forms, or deep reefs below 30 m, or the magnificent SPS gardens in the shallow waters of the South Seas. We have put together these biotope types for you and show you how to recreate them authentically and close to nature in an aquarium.

Bali Reef
Bali’s reefs are among the most species-rich biotopes in the world. Three different ocean systems come together here and receive the input of nutrient-rich volcanic ash. All of this has created the most beautiful and species-rich reefs in the world.

Off Shore
Who does not love it, the pictures of turquoise reefs of the South Pacific. Clear water and species-rich SPS reefs performing the most beautiful colours!

US Style
What we experience here are corals like from another world. Here, in the basement of the reefs, an unusual blaze of colour develops. Below 30 m, the water appears deep blue, and many corals use intensively fluorescent proteins to make the most of the little light radiation that is still present here.

Ready 2 Reef
With our new supply system “Ready2Reef” we have developed a system that could not be simpler for the easy entry into the colorful world of reekeeping: Everything in one bottle, and the whole thing already “ready2use”!
We stand for sustainable reefing.
In order to make our passionately practiced hobby sustainable, we mainly offer you corals from vegetative propagation. This has a protective effect on natural resources because less coral bio mass will be taken from the sea.
In addition, we drastically shorten the transport chain: transport from the place of origin, e.g. Australia is no longer necessary. Gasoline or kerosene is saved and thus CO2 emissions are reduced. Furthermore, offspring corals from our propagation facilities are free of parasites and perfectly accustomed to the aquarium environment. Our corals know the technical environment and maintain their bright colors.
We breed corals ourselves!
With one of the largest breeding facilities in Europe.
Fauna Marin has been active in farming corals on a professional level since 2001. We are one of the largest coral farms in Europe and currently propagate more than 230 coral species on a regular basis.

We breed corals ourselves!
With one of the largest breeding facilities in Europe.
Fauna Marin has been active in farming corals on a professional level since 2001. We are one of the largest coral farms in Europe and currently propagate more than 230 coral species on a regular basis.
Our own ideas – our own production
For more than 35 years we have been driven by the desire to operate the perfect reef tank. We follow the idea of creating a small marine world modelled on nature – the big in the small.
Fauna Marin products define what is feasible in reef aquaria and continually push back boundaries. At the same time, our concept is so simple and clearly structured that it enables even ambitious beginners to successfully care for sensitive reef inhabitants.
Fauna Marin combines proven aquaristic experience with innovative technologies – for modern and sustainable reefkeeping. However, in every one of our product developments there is the same ambition to offer you the best possible – for your success.
Our own ideas – our own production
For more than 35 years we have been driven by the desire to operate the perfect reef tank. We follow the idea of creating a small marine world modelled on nature – the big in the small.
Fauna Marin products define what is feasible in reef aquaria and continually push back boundaries. At the same time, our concept is so simple and clearly structured that it enables even ambitious beginners to successfully care for sensitive reef inhabitants.
Fauna Marin combines proven aquaristic experience with innovative technologies – for modern and sustainable reefkeeping. However, in every one of our product developments there is the same ambition to offer you the best possible – for your success.

Up to date
Correct water analysis has become affordable for every saltwater aquarist thanks to the most modern equipment. Sending a water sample from the aquarium to a specialized laboratory now allows a completely different view of the aquarium than was possible just a few years ago.
Understanding ICP-analysis
Aluminum, salinity, zinc and copper: Do you understand your laboratory analysis?
Modern aquaristics with its analytical methods considers many elements and relational data. Which values mean what? What is behind them? What functions do relations and individual elements have? How can these be recognised from the animals? What relevance do deviating values have? All this information is available to you in our new laboratory software, continuously supplemented and expanded.